a group of students gathered around a table



艺术学院 offers more than sixty graduate 和 undergraduate majors, minors, 和 concentrations through the 约翰J. 加州音乐学院, School of Communication 和 Media的部门 艺术与设计戏剧和舞蹈.



约翰J. 加州音乐学院 offers a curriculum blending a liberal arts education with the intense musical instruction of a conservatory. Students specialize in the areas of performance, 爵士乐, 音乐教育, composition 和 music therapy, 和 learn from world-class 教师, including the Shanghai Quartet. Students perform in the elegant Leshowitz Recital Hall, practice on Steinway pianos.
的 School presents over 200 performances 和 masterclasses each year by students, 教师和客座艺术家. Students perform off-campus 和 on tour in the U.S. 和 abroad, 和 may study abroad through international exchange programs in several countries.

该公司成立于2012年 School of Communication 和 Media (SCM) offers a range of dynamic programs in communication 和 media—including degrees in advertising, communication 和 media studies, 电影和电视, journalism 和 digital media, social media 和 public relations, 体育交流, 和, in 2022, 动画和视觉特效, as well as an MA in public 和 organizational relations.
的 School houses several co-curricular programs, 包括WMSC电台, 《蒙特克拉里昂报, 霍克通信公司, 红鹰体育网络, 的旨在, PRSSA, 是, 和 a newly launched Center for Strategic Communications for social media 和 data analytics. 的 School has received several prestigious national awards 和 nominations, including an Edward R. 默罗奖, several Marconi Award nominations, 和 a College Television Award from the Academy of Television Arts & 科学. 的 School is home to the Center for Cooperative Media, which serves the public by helping to grow 和 strengthen local journalism. 的 School is housed in a new, state-of-the-art teaching 和 production facility 和  programs give the School’s over 1300 students the tools they need to succeed in the communication 和 media industry 和 help to prepare 和 inform the next generation of leaders, 至关重要的思想家, 和专业人士.

艺术与设计系 offers the only BFA in Product Design in NJ 和 top-of-the-line facilities for its ever-popular Fashion Studies BA — which hosts an annual student fashion show 和 yearly international field trips. Its highly competitive Visual Communication Design BFA includes a dual degree program with Seoul National 大学 of Science & 技术. 蓬勃发展的动画 & Illustration BFA boasts solid professional ties to the Society of Illustrators. Drawing upon venerable fine arts traditions, BA in Visual Arts program offers a blend of long-established studio arts practices such as drawing, 绘画, 雕塑, 陶瓷, 和 photography with contemporary methods in digital creation 和 social practices 和 pedagogies that empower students to address issues of social justice 和 collective empowerment. This dynamic program also offers a concentration in Art Education with New Jersey certification. 除了, Finley Gallery exhibits student work from across all of  the department’s programs year-round.

的 Department of 戏剧和舞蹈 offers nationally acclaimed undergraduate degree programs in Dance, Design 技术 Management, 代理,  音乐剧, 及戏剧研究. 在研究生阶段, department offers an MA in 的atre Studies, a low residency MFA in Dance 和 a Graduate Certificate in 的atre of Diversity, 包容, 和社会变革.
Graduates find work as actors, 舞者, 生产的艺术家, 教育工作者, 作家, 和 arts managers across the country 和 abroad. Through innovative teaching 和 challenging curriculum in both their arts disciplines 和 the liberal arts, students embrace imagination, 批判性思维, 和协作. 的 department is dedicated to developing a robust community of students, 教师, 和 工作人员 with a wide range of backgrounds, 的想法, 和观点. 的 community recognizes the profound benefits of creating an inclusive environment in which students, 教师, 和 工作人员 are seen 和 can learn from one another. With h和s-on training 和 one-on-one mentorship from professional 教师, 工作人员, 以及著名的客座艺术家, graduates emerge not merely with a degree, but with a commitment to making innovative 和 purposeful contributions to the wider community.

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